Episode 17

"We Glory In Hope Of The Glory of God"

A shift occurs at the beginning of Romans 5 when Paul looks to the future hope of those justified by faith. The accomplished work of Christ and justification by faith looks to the past ("introduction into this grace by faith", v. 2). The "peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" is the present condition due to the "grace in which we stand."

But their glory in hope of the glory of God is a reference to the future. Paul states that they even glory in their tribulations because it brings about perseverance, which brings about a proven character, which produces hope (desire + expectation).

This hope will not put to shame. Unbelievers may mock us, today. But no one will be mocking us at the revealing of the sons of God.

I have presented thoughts from this text that still apply to each of us in Christ. The context of the entire New Testament and the specific reference to the Holy Spirit in this text had a different application to those in the first century upon whom the apostle's hands were laid. The Holy Spirit gave confirming confidence of God's love through miraculous spiritual gifts. The gifts provided the proof that their hope will not disappoint. Though the principle still applies, the specifics in the text are different. In addition, the fulfillment of their hope is now an accomplished reality of the past, rather than a future expectation. Once again, what was true of them is now true of us who wait with "earnest expectation."

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God's People - Then & Now
Applying Biblical Principles to Today's Christian

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Timothy Glover