Episode 30

A Beautiful Picture of a Transformed Mind

This episode discusses the first two verses of Romans 12. Paul beseeches the brethren, rather than giving a command, to present our bodies a living sacrifice. This text describes the role and purpose of all in Christ who have been set apart for God's exclusive purpose ("saints"). It is a reasonable and spiritual service that is distinguished from the carnal mind.

Such a changed life provides no cause for boasting. What we have we have received. The work was according to grace. The gifts that are described here are gifts of the Spirit that He gave as he chose to give. The service discussed in the text falls under the category of the body being a living sacrifice.

Finally, the text offers terms that relate to the spiritual man and describes the level of commitment that befit the description of verses 1-2. The verses describe the sharing and fellowship among fellow saints that is part of this transformation.

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God's People - Then & Now
Applying Biblical Principles to Today's Christian

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Timothy Glover