Episode 12

Justification By Faith As Illustrated by Abraham

The Faith of Abraham is set forth as an example of the faith that justifies (Rom. 3:21-26). God demonstrated His forbearance and longsuffering by pausing the due condemnation of the human race in view of the work of Christ. But, the "passing over of sins" done previous to Christ was, also, in view of their faith. If such faith existed, God would not impute sin to their account. Thus, Abraham became the father of all who follow his example.

However, not only would sin not be imputed, but "righteousness" was imputed, instead. This declaration of righteousness was the judge's pronouncement of acquittal. Essentially, the will of God requires the sinner to recognize the terrible sentence of death that is the expectation of every sinner. But, instead of treating man as he deserves to be treated, God's grace provides the condition of faith by which man can be declared righteous.

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God's People - Then & Now
Applying Biblical Principles to Today's Christian

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Timothy Glover